Install Git 1.6.1 on Reckspace Centos 5.2

This is best shortest and definitely working method i found.

First you need to install the dependencies

yum install gettext-devel expat-devel curl-devel zlib-devel openssl-devel

Then get the git source code from online repo


untar the git source code


Finally install git

cd git-1.6.1.tar.gz

make prefix=/usr/local all

make prefix=/usr/local install

Check if the git is installed properly



About Sallah Ud Din Sarwar

I am a multi skilled Software Engineer with over 4 year’s industry experience in designing and developing Object oriented solutions in Multi layered & N-Tired. I have substantial success to my credit. I have consistently handled complex problems to the satisfaction of my clients by working in stressful situations. I enjoy learning and applying new technologies in a dynamic and forward thinking professional environment.

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